New Prato:
Green city

Urban forestry

Forests and boulevards for a greener Declassata

The Action Plan for urban forestry of the municipality of Prato as part of the project for the regional tender "Toscana Carbon Neutral for integrated projects for the abatement of climate-altering emissions in the urban environment" aims to plant 414 trees and 37 shrubs of more than thirty different species in three areas of Prato along the Declassata to absorb CO2, reduce the pollution of the fifty thousand vehicles that pass along the artery every day, promote sustainable mobility and create new public spaces.

The actions of the project are two: reforestation and de-paving; in order to implement a plant regeneration system and return permeable spaces rich in vegetation to the city.

Three areas of intervention.

1. Pecci area - The dream of the forest: 53 trees and 37 shrubs
The trees and shrubs will define a "new place", a convivial place at the service of the Pecci Center but also a place for the community, in which to stop, read, spend time in biodiversity.
The garden is placed perpendicular to the arch of the Pecci pedestrian path and defines a physical and highly relational connection with the museum and access to the "artists' house".
The idea is to be able to combine some themes related to the Forest, as a place of stories and discoveries, with a system of relationships, perspectives and clues, through an intense experience in a wooded micro-landscape. A "clod of forest" within the city, where the vegetation has the ability to define the areas that welcome the sculptures, and at the same time to keep some visual axes free.

2. Nenni area - The park-forest: 215 trees
The project can be considered a hardware that organizes the soil, space and growth possibilities of the park itself, and places within it a future vision for possible development.
The project envisages an organization of the urban space perpendicular to the "Declassata" through a sequence of linear woods that reinterpret the organization of the Prato landscape in filigree, establishing relationships between the neighborhood, the existing parking, the technological center and the schools, a new urban regeneration around. This system creates important spatial sequences that alternating wooded spaces with open spaces generates an alternation of urban visions that direct the gaze, define a protected area and leave the central part free for future use.